Please rate your level of satisfaction for the overall process on a scale of 5 to 1(5 - Satisfied & 1 - Not Satisfied)

1) Please rate the level of transparency shown by us in processing your claim
2) Please rate the level of clarity for the information required / query raised for your claim.
3) Did you receive timely status updates on your claim.
4) How do you rate us on the time taken to process your claim.

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the interaction you had with FHPL Call Center on a scale of 5 to 1(5 - Satisfied & 1 - Not Satisfied)

1) Have you interacted with FHPL Call Center?
2) Accuracy of information provided during your interaction with call center/officer
3) Politeness/ Behavior while talking to you
4) Time taken to provide the required information

Please rate your level of satisfaction for Hospital service availed by you on a scale of 5 to 1(5 - Satisfied & 1 - Not Satisfied)

1) The Care/Treatment you received from hospital staff.
2) The information given by the hospital about your bills and non-payable expenses
3) How do you rate the overall experience with FHPL

General Feedback is important to us as it enables us to examine key aspects in processing your case. All feedback is used to inform our on-going quality improvement processes.